¿Por qué elegir un endodoncista?
Reason 1: Experiencia
Endodontists undergo 2 o 3 years of additional specialty education after dental school. De media, endodontists perform on average 30-40canal raíz treatments a week.
Reason 2: Efficiency
Because they limit their practice solely to endodontic treatment, endodontists are efficient and precise. This equates to positive experiences, treatments with minimum to no discomfort, and faster healing.
Reason 3: Availability
Most endodontists offer tremendous flexibility in accommodating emergency cases, so delays in treatment are kept to a minimum and patients can be relieved of dental pain quickly.
Reason 4: Tecnología avanzada
Many endodontists use Estado de la técnica such as operating microscopes, imagen digital, CBCT 3-D imaging, rotary and ultrasonic instrumentation, and the most current obturation techniques to treat their patients quickly and comfortably.
Hoy, getting root canal treatment is often no more uncomfortable than having a filling.