Política financiera

Facturación del paciente

Para su comodidad, we accept cash, checks, Visa, tarjeta MasterCard, American Express and Discover. Brindamos la mejor atención al costo más razonable para nuestros pacientes.; therefore, payment in full or insurance co-payment is due at the time service is rendered unless other arrangements have been made in advance. If you have questions regarding our financial policy, póngase en contacto con nosotros en Varella Endodoncia Número de teléfono 904-739-2422. Muchas veces, a simple telephone call will clear any misunderstanding.

Please remember you are legally and financially responsible for all the dental services provided by our office, regardless of your insurance coverage.  A copayment is an estimate only.  If your insurance denies a claim, you are responsible for the remaining outstanding balance in your account.

Le enviaremos un estado de cuenta mensual. La mayoría de las compañías de seguros responderán en un plazo de cuatro a seis semanas.. Llame a nuestra oficina si su estado de cuenta no refleja el pago de su seguro dentro de ese plazo.. Any remaining balance after your insurance has paid is your responsibility. Se agradece su pronta remesa.

You may also apply for Care Credit, which allows you to make arrangements for a monthly payment plan (usually for a maximum of 6 meses). sin embargo, please keep in mind that Care Credit application must be completed (on their website) and approved prior to the actual consult/treatment appointment.

Estamos aquí para ayudar!

Llame a nuestro atento personal con cualquier pregunta o inquietud.!

Llámanos: 904-739-2422